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My House

My House
By Allanha Riley

My place is my house because I like to be in my room with my dog while I do my homework and watch tv. Then when I am done with that I either go outside or stay inside and play with my dog. My dog is furry she is a chihuahua.

My family makes me laugh sometimes when we are having family night because they be telling jokes.
My house is big and it is brown it has one big bedroom upstairs for my brothers they have to share a room. Me and my mom have our own room. I sometimes share my room with my dog.

The things that happen in my house is we like to have fun. My house makes me feel happy sometimes sad.

My brothers sometimes makes me sad because they are always fighting and arguingover stupid stuff but other than that they are always my favorite brothers that a girl can have.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (8%)
  • Smile (35%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (4%)
  • Feel a Connection (42%)
  • Inspired (12%)
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