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My Identity

My Identity: Carson Tart
As I walk on the field
Looking at the scoreboard 8-1
My team was losing but didn’t last long
We got three outs and went in to hit
Our rally kept going and scored some runs
I got up to bat and hit the ball
Now the score was 8-7
We needed 2 more runs to win the game
Two people on base and 1 out
My friend hits the ball to the fence
They got the third out
All we had to do was hold them
We had already got 2 outs
The ball hit to me and I catch it
We win the game and now we have the fame.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (14%)
  • Smile (57%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (14%)
  • Inspired (14%)
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