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My Little Pal Eli

By Jaylen Watchman

Elizha my relative is a toddler who almost likes to crawl on my belly and sometimes my back also he might want to ride on my back Elizha is so FUNNY!!!.

But Elizha also likes to chase me around my house.Elizha is an EXTREME cool awesome FUNNY BIG toddler to play with and that he also likes to put everything in his mouth

But it kinda reminds me of when I was a little toddler like Elizha which was really FUN I wish that I was a little boy.

Elizha was EPIC also SNEAKY because he stole my homework also he hid it from me which took me a MONTH to find my homework and not get an f in my report card.

Elizha is the BEST little baby pal I ever had.I love Elizha and his CHUBBY CHEEKS boy I ever have with me.

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