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My Monster


Note: Poet Warriors write with truth and purpose; this poem contains strong language, graphic details or sensitive subject matter.


By: Jennifer E.M.G


Monsters come out of no

where in any shape or color they

can even be your own



My monster had a mask

of a nice, young boy that in front of

his parents he was as sweet as a chocolate bar

as caring as a kangaroo caring their

child in their pouch,

as calm as the ocean

at night


that nice boy was gone every time

our parents left us alone my

monster knew how to get what

he wanted from me his scary,

anoxious words,face expressions are

stuck in my memory



Each time his hands

touched me, my mind blocked out,

I would feel my tears

going down my eyes

looking at the clock waiting

for my mom to come thru

that door to make him



I felt weak for the first time

in my life,my body would

freeze, my soul could not support

it so it left my body laying on the floor,

my mind would scream telling him

to STOP but my mouth had no movement of its own it

was like someone had put some duct tape

on my mouth and made me stay



When the clock strikes 5:30pm

I knew my mom was about to cross

that door and that my

monster would go



My mom got home but

she didn’t notice I was in so much pain

and that I was crying my eyes out.

My eyes looked so red that you can say they

were hand picked raspberries that had been

squeezed with his



Every night I would not be

able to go to sleep every sound that

came near my bedroom door would

make me think he was coming for me again.

I knew what was going to happen

the next day at 5pm exact that

I was going to suffer for

30 mins.


One day I found some pills that

had my name and it read “pain relief ”

like I was in pain I would take about two each time

the pain got so strong I would add more pills.

I felt like I was touching glory a piece of the

happiness he took away from me. When I would put them in

my mouth they would be like starbursts to me because

for me it was my candy of happiness to forget

what had happened for a few hours. I stopped

when I felt relief there was times that I took 5,

I wanted more each time but I knew

I was hurting myself



But I knew I did the

right thing because he would of

done it to my youngest sisters, it was better

that my monster to hurt only me not them,

for my sisters I would take as many bullets

for them just to see them

safe and happy


My monster was my


This poem makes me...
  • Think (8%)
  • Smile (14%)
  • Somber (46%)
  • Surprised (16%)
  • Feel a Connection (13%)
  • Inspired (3%)
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