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My Origins

My Origins

by: Johabian Alfonso

I am from shoes.

From Nike and Vans.


I am from the beach.

(Sandy. Salty. Waves crashing on the shore,

it looked so peaceful).

I am from the Palm Tree

that s w a y s side to side.


I’m from the Spanish-speaking and intelligent,

from Hector and Mildred.


I’m from the party people

and the constant vacations,

from manners and sharing is caring.

I’m from the body and blood of Christ,

who sacrificed himself for us.


I’m from Puerto Rico,

Spanish rice and dessert, that tastes like heaven.


From the time my dad was deployed,

his courageousness and bravery letting

him come home safely,

the deep sleep of my dog.


I am from loyalty, respect, and love.

Few of the many special qualities of

who I am!


This poem makes me...
  • Think (25%)
  • Smile (8%)
  • Somber (8%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (17%)
  • Inspired (42%)
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