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My Place

My Place
by Brandon Cha

My place is simple really,
Nothing is all willy nilly,
The snow outside is rock-solid,
Animals, if any are stolid,

A couch sits in a room,
Who soon meets certain doom,
As people soon sit on it,
Only people have benefit.
They laugh, cry, and doze off,
People are amused and scoff,
People cry and weep,
People also try to count sheep,
Unfortunately, they can’tsleep,
So they go to their beds and don’t want to hear a peep.

Now we go to the oven,
Which is full of a lot of lovin’
And makes the best meals in town.
Causing frowns to go upside down.
The aroma of chicken fills the room,
The smell makes flowers bloom.
I also smell eggrolls, pho, and papaya salad,
Just to name a few Hmong foods for this ballad.
These express our Hmong Culture and who we are,
Our culture connects us even if people are far,
The Hmong are cracka’ lackin’
That’s a Madagascar reference if you don’t know what I’m packin’

Then we go into the T.V.
It plays SpongeBob, NFL, and the life cycle of a bee.
It also plays games.
Pac-man, Mario, and B.O.2 by killing zombies with flames,
Ah, the sounds of a kill streak,
So tense, it’s like I’m on a mountain peak.
Oh I don’t make them,
But that’s because I don’t practice until 1 a.m.
But someone else gets me,
Then I give up and flee.
I’m Indiana Jones and they are the boulder,
Especially in capture the flag where I’m the flag holder.
Moral of the story,
Other players are hunters and I’m a quarry.

The last destination is the toilet,
Don’t laugh cause that would soil it,
The throne, john, or potty,
Anytime is sure a Partay!
I’ve flushed many fish down there,
Tom, Larry, Bob, Take care.

If you haven’t known already,
This place is nice and steady,
This place is where I mostly rome.
This place, is my home.

This poem makes me...
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