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My Real Father

My Real Father

By Lexie Landeros


My real father is just a faded memory

someone I don’t remember, someone I can’t


Everytime I try, it just fades away


My real father bought my love

instead of showing me love


My real father loves liquor

and parties more than

he loves my brother and me


My real father left the family

when I was three years old

and I’ve never seen him since

but if I ever get a chance

to meet my real father now

that I’m fourteen, I would

like to thank him for trying

his best

I just wish I would’ve gotten

to have known my real father better

This poem makes me...
  • Think (3%)
  • Smile (1%)
  • Somber (63%)
  • Surprised (1%)
  • Feel a Connection (29%)
  • Inspired (4%)
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