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My Role Model

My Role Model

By Braydon Yazzie


My mom always taught

Me that I should always

Try hard.


My mom always

Tried hard at everything

My mom tried hard

At school and sports

When she was young


My mother always

Told me to try hard

At school and sports

When I was 9 years old

I didn’t try at basketball

Then my mom

Said if you don’t try

Then you won’t be good

At sports

Then I decided to try

And I liked it so from

There on I tried hard at



My mom is very

Pretty like an angel

She has brown eyes

She really takes care

Of me and my brother

She cooks food for us

She is very nice

My mom treats people

The way she wants

To be treated

With respect

There is no one

Else I would choose

For my role model


“My Mom”

This poem makes me...
  • Think (4%)
  • Smile (25%)
  • Somber (4%)
  • Surprised (9%)
  • Feel a Connection (36%)
  • Inspired (22%)
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