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My School

At 6:45 Am, I walked into the school and then. I went through the scanners and all the lockers were open . There was no one, the teachers were not here they were not to be found.
Like a mob mad at someone.

My high school is good cool it helps, they care about you. Lable like people, popular,nerds and all the rest of name. I am a student that goes to u.s Grant.
High School is like a prison because the school needs cops for the people in school.

Trained at a young age to get read for the world. Taught now then at an older age to be ready for the world.
He is almost going to live by he or she’s self in the world.

Homework is not fun to do, but it helps you. Reading textbooks is boring to do, but you have
to read. Taking tests is boring and hard, but if you studied it will be easy to do.

I hear the education system is really good to get an education. Believe I could get an education here.

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