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My School is like a jail

My School is like a jail

At 6:30 a.m
I wake up and get ready
I don’t eat breakfast
i just brush my teeths
lockers are closed like the
teachers’ door
teachers are yelling at kids and
throwing books
students are like a herd of
kindergarten wondering off
to their class ¨Boom¨ some kids went down everyone it
pushing people
My high school is a jail
not only for me but to everyone else
our labels say ¨you’re going to have a bad day here¨
although the second day says ¨GET ME OUTTA HERE¨
I am wearing a khaki jeans and black or white jacket on
it doesn’t look like the colors of jail but
it feels like jail.
classroom are like our sells
Teachers are the policies
Hallways are our 5 minute break to go outside
from our sells
Conferences is like our court day

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