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My Sister’s Cat

My Sister’s Cat

 By: Gael Gonzalez


I have to take care of my sister’s cat


and I have to say it makes me

Angry and Annoyed.

That cat can Run, Plum, Dodge and also outrun me.


Well you might think that this is just a cute cat right?

Oh boy don’t even get me started what this cat does

he Poops, Pees, Purrs a lot,

Pressures you and Punishes if you touch its little belly

BOOM! You have an automatic scratch in your head.

This is Traumatizing

but the cat looks so innocent.

My brother comes to my room and he tells to take care of his dog 


But thank god it was a dream next thing I know I look to my right and the dog is there, AAAhhhhhhhhhh again.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (12%)
  • Smile (48%)
  • Somber (8%)
  • Surprised (8%)
  • Feel a Connection (8%)
  • Inspired (16%)
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