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My Sister’s Frown

My Sister’s Frown

By Alexis Cabrera


As a little girl she was happy

Like a little honey bee


Something bothers her


My sister looks lonely and cries

With tears of rainy skies

But I can’t figure out what is wrong

I try to make her feel better by going up to her

Asking what is wrong

But then she turns away

And goes to a frown


Ever since her father left

Down a troubled hill

She carried that frown

That she had dragged down.


We all try so hard

But it never works

I wish so hard that

Her father

Was here

To help.


If he was here

He could help

To make that frown

Turn upside down

This poem makes me...
  • Think (74%)
  • Smile (10%)
  • Somber (8%)
  • Surprised (2%)
  • Feel a Connection (3%)
  • Inspired (3%)
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