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My Teachers

My Teachers
by Anonymous

My teachers always taught me that there is always a why behind an answer,
That if I have the right answer I have to know WHY.

My teachers are sometimes nice,
They can also be serious and want me to work hard.

An example of grit, hard work, and respect,
They want me to be better and want me to meet my goals.

Lesson teachers.
Sweet talkers.
Want what’s best for you
Want you to have a better life.

Because of them, I am intelligent
Because of them, I am important,
Bcause of them I am a hard worker!!!


This poem makes me...
  • Think (23%)
  • Smile (31%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (15%)
  • Inspired (31%)
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