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My Town

Cyrena Ulmenstine.Poet Warrior.

My Town


All I see are “bandos”

All I hear is cursing and violence

All I know is to stay cautious no matter what

Looks can be deceiving where I’m from

Drugs, money, and a little attention will make your “friends” turn on you real quick and leave you lonely

Family and goals is all I got

You see me smiling and laughing but if you saw my thoughts, you’d know I can’t wait to leave Hammond

Run away from all the deaths

Ditch the problems at school

Being light in color will get you bullied even if you’re mixed

I know from experience

I had friends who weren’t allowed to talk to me because I’m half white

That’s Hammond for you and it’s sadly my town

The place that I hate so much but as soon as I leave, I miss it like never before

I’ve got good memories here too

Like getting the idea that I could host my own talent show with my old best friend

Or playing tag with some friends and finding the cutest kitten ever

Don’t be fooled though

I still can’t wait to leave

I don’t try my hardest in school for no reason, I try because I refuse to be stuck here all my life

I plan on leaving Hammond with my family even though it’s my town

This poem makes me...
  • Think (33%)
  • Smile (9%)
  • Somber (29%)
  • Surprised (9%)
  • Feel a Connection (14%)
  • Inspired (6%)
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