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What My Uncle Dreams

What My Uncle Dreams

By Tori Tsosie

My uncle Michael was going through a

Tough time with his family.

So my uncle stayed

In my grandmother’s hogan

And his family

Never came to visit him.

So he would always

Be alone and I would go and

Keep him company,

Chit chat,

Or do something to upgrade

My grandmother’s house.

Sometimes my uncle

Can be as grumpy

As a little kid not getting his toy.

I am very similar to

My uncle because I share

Ideas with him

And we also show great bravery

Or sometimes

I have the same problem

As he does

But we get through them


I can be very different

From my uncle

By goofily

Saying a word


Or not liking

His color

Or we disagree

On a decision.

Most of the time

I can tell my uncle

Wants the best

For everyone

In his family and he also tells us.

Inside my head

I think my

Uncle dreams

He had never gone to the


And went to war

To get sick.

Today my uncle

Suffers from the war

Breathing in something

Awful and seeing

Things a Navajo is

Not supposed to see.

So I always want

Him to feel

That he is never alone.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (1%)
  • Smile (23%)
  • Somber (4%)
  • Surprised (38%)
  • Feel a Connection (32%)
  • Inspired (1%)
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