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My world


I want a world where everyone is cared about

Everyone is integrated

Race is not important

You should know is going to school

I want a world where there is no danger




I want a world where everyone says

I can do it.

I want a world where people integrated

By Samantha Bustos


When I’m in the sky

All I see is

Gun shots

Around the town

When I’m in the sky

Some people choose to do

The negative

Not the positive

When I’m in the sky

You can’t hear those




Full of joy and laughter

When I’m in the sky

People try to brign me down

But I Cant

Let them make me reach the point where they are

When I’m in the sky

I believe that I have the power to get the education

I need

When I’m in the sky

There are grateful people

Who help a boy

When I’m in the sky

I will

Have the courage

To help others

By Ethan Alverez

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