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Mysterious Person

Mysterious Person

By Shirley Sanchez


A person always mysteriously walking to the same location almost like being a spy

They interrogate people like a little kid with so many questions

He’s almost like a vampire: in by day, out by night

But don’t get him started or he’ll blow up like an atomic bomb

Be careful though

He can be sneaky

And sly like a snake in disguise

He will blind you like a fool in love

But he’s got a heart made of stone

I guess he doesn’t feel anything

Like a person in a coma

He doesn’t care

Never has

Never will

This poem makes me...
  • Think (36%)
  • Smile (11%)
  • Somber (14%)
  • Surprised (3%)
  • Feel a Connection (3%)
  • Inspired (33%)
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