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Mystery member

by Aaliyah Aguiar


You’ve always been a mystery to me I still barely know you


I don’t even know your name.


It’s hard not knowing who you are since I have your last name.


As I hear stories I could not bare


As I cover my ears and start to stare.


Knowing you could of been there


knowing you choose something else.


as  you pack your bags on the date of 10/22/01


and leave without a trace.



As 13 years go by I only see you once


as i run into a man with a stinky cigar smell


that smells a rotten smell.


As you recognize me.


As I not recognize you


As you say my name hesitantly


As I with mystery in my eyes


still bearing the rotten cigar smell


you say “it’s daddy”

Mom pulled me away from you and says


“I’m sorry you ran into him today”


with tears like rain drops in her eyes.


Staring at the concrete floor of the store thinking..


no not thinking realizing


I need to let you go the man who has always been a mystery to me


the man I call mystery dad

This poem makes me...
  • Think (26%)
  • Smile (0%)
  • Somber (45%)
  • Surprised (6%)
  • Feel a Connection (10%)
  • Inspired (13%)
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