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Never Give Up and Keep Trying

Never Give Up and Keep Trying

By: Ashleigh Joe

My mom always taught me to

Never give up and to keep trying


My mom looks like she is always overjoyed

But when she comes back from the hospital

She is exhausted as bees working in a hive

My mom shad short hair

With light brown highlights

She wore glasses that made her

Look like a professional worker

She was about my height

But a little taller like a giraffe

She was always working hard

To take care of my sisters and I

My mom taught me this lesson

Because she was a nurse

And she would get patients

She told me that she would

Want to give up

But she would keep trying


I was almost the same height as my mom

I have glasses just like my mom but didn’t look as professional as her

And I have long hair

Ever since my mom taught me that lesson

I started to get impressive grades that were shooting to the skies,

Participate in school activities,

And do all my chores

But when it was time for her to go

I stopped getting amazing grades like the temperature dropping

Until 3 years later

I forgot about the past

And moved on

So now I am doing wonderful in school

And I will always remember the lesson she taught me.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (10%)
  • Smile (26%)
  • Somber (13%)
  • Surprised (8%)
  • Feel a Connection (13%)
  • Inspired (30%)
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