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New York To Me

New York To Me

By Leah Scicere



New York


I strolled down the street

Singing my favorite song

Tapping to the tempting beat

Remembering the people and places we come to meet

And why I loved it here all along


I passed my neighbor’s house

Smelling the smell of fresh glorious green cut grass

Waiting for the moon to arise

Waiting for time to pass


New York is a place full of memories

But I stopped, thought, and froze

New York is somewhat like a rose

The structure is beautiful, everybody knows

You’d fall in love with the masterpieces, no doubt

You should come and see what I’m talking about


Parts of the city contain sounds as awful as siren alarms

The train station screeches and screams

But most of all New York

Nothing but a place full of wonderful dreams



New York

This poem makes me...
  • Think (14%)
  • Smile (33%)
  • Somber (3%)
  • Surprised (14%)
  • Feel a Connection (22%)
  • Inspired (14%)
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