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No Roses Today.

Note: Poet Warriors write with truth and purpose; this poem contains strong language, graphic details or sensitive subject matter.

No roses today

By: Noemy Carrion

Never would I have thought

the love of my life would lay his hands on me

Yesterday was the day, just a bruised lip

but its fine, because he didn’t intend to .

He loves me .


Today he brought me a dozen of red beautiful roses and apologized. but

frustration got to him last night .

His fist hit my left eye brutally

he pushed me out of the running car.

Just some fractured fingers and a purple eye .

but i know he’s sorry. because


Today he gave me roses .

As soon as I thought everything was going fine

I was proven wrong . Because


I was pushed off my balcony and


Today my funeral was so lonely.

The love of my life was not there and


Today I did not get roses .

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