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No Wannabes

No Wannabes­­­­­­­­­

By Keenan J. Bitselley


My friend Melvin always taught me

Not to be anyone

But yourself

Melvin is my buddy from CCS

Who taught me this lesson

He’s like Kaidon Begay

But loud as a coyote howling at the moon

And gets in trouble like a marble in rush hour

Sometimes serious like a Chihuahua

If it wasn’t for Melvin I would be lost

And Confused with myself

What I mean is that

I would be egotistical, crazy,

And being a kid

Who want to be a wanna be like

Justin Bieber or Maroon 5

With new brands and being cool

And be selfish to others and to myself

My buddy Melvin isn’t like that

Because he doesn’t hang out with the


This poem makes me...
  • Think (5%)
  • Smile (7%)
  • Somber (71%)
  • Surprised (4%)
  • Feel a Connection (8%)
  • Inspired (6%)
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