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Nothing’s Fair

Ashauntaneia Isaac.Poet Warrior.

Nothing’s Fair


Wake up look on the 7 o’clock news

Hear your uncle got shot

Doctors say there’s nothing they can do

Doctors say he won’t make it

But you say no that he made you a promise

And you know he wouldn’t break it

He said he’d protect you from all evil

And teach you only good

He’d stop all the violence

Only if he could

But he died at 10:34

A feeling of sorrow and pain

Came rushing through the door

How is it fair that he lies there died

He’s going to spend eternity in a coffin

And you remember when he use to sell drugs ever so often

Only to feed you

You sit there alive while he lies there died

Asking God why wasn’t it you instead

Why wasn’t that you that took that bullet

Why wasn’t that you lying died

You ask yourself that every night

As you cry yourself to bed

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