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If there is one place in the world that one should love, it is the ocean
How the waves crash over each other
All of the beautiful blues mixed together like a potion
And how you dive under the crashing waves one after another
You will stay in the water all day, diving under waves for hours
Holding your breath and reaching for the sand under the water to hold it in your hand
Sometimes, the waves will grow to be as tall as towers
And the water crashes violently on the sand
The wave will pick you up and twist your body and throw it against the ground
But if you dive under all the chaos, there is a place in the water where it is still
Just under the wave, the world is peaceful while above it crashes round and round
And in the eye of this hurricane you feel such a thrill
It is amazing to be in a place so much bigger than you, where you have no control
That’s how I know I have salt water in my soul

This poem makes me...
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  • Feel a Connection (67%)
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