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On The Freeway

On The Freeway

By Maria Perales


I can see the beauty of the morning sun

I feel like running and not stopping until I reach it

The clouds are moving past me

I want to fly I want to flee

But I’m already flying

On the freeway


If I’m traveling early I know something great awaits me

A gorgeous silky sunrise waiting for me

It’s growing and gaining greatness

For some people it’s a mess

But they haven’t seen it on the freeway


If I miss it I don’t care

There is an even better view at night

The city lights make me feel alright

The stars are shinning as bright as the sun

The Devon Tower can be spotted from far, far away

But only on the freeway


The sunset is my favorite part

I love the sunset with all my heart

It’s an explosion of warm and soft colors

They’re fading but fading slow

Slow enough for me to catch its beauty


I finally spot the golden arches

I know it’s ending soon

I enjoy the stars and moon

But only for a while more

Because the freeway will end soon


As I say goodbye, I don’t cry, I don’t care

I have had enough beauty

It will last me a year

But you can only find this beauty

On the freeway

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