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On Top of the World

On Top of the World

By Randy DeGroat

At the top of the high flat mesa

I can see everything

From the orange of the sunset

To the lights of Gallup

I can hear the cars on dirt roads

Bouncing and tumbling

To get to their destination

I am peaceful and calm

With the wind on my back

The coyote and the owl

Getting ready to hunt

In the darkness of night

I can smell the aroma

Of my grandpa’s cooking

With a taste of frybread

And a hint of mutton

The yucca stands tall

With the sun on its back

As a rabbit scurries by

To get to its mother

And away from the predators

I walk back home

In the light of the moon

As I see the lights

Of Bashas’ and Giant

The whole town is still

As I walk past

The dark and sleepy houses

When I get home

I hear my sister crying

For she has slipped

While running to see me

This poem makes me...
  • Think (15%)
  • Smile (41%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (6%)
  • Feel a Connection (32%)
  • Inspired (6%)
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