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Note: Poet Warriors write with truth and purpose; this poem contains strong language, graphic details or sensitive subject matter.


Written By : Avery Oliver Lucas

The belief that one can not be completely positive nor negative.
Positivity and negativity are nothing but mere opinions of what we feel is good and bad. As much as everyone is born Atheist, no one is born with any kind of disposition. We all make what we believe to be positive or negative choices based on previous experiences and apathy.
Good and bad are nothing but Illusions, Excuses to mask our actions, to mask our choices. Everything we do, we do it out of personal satisfaction. No matter how much someone claims they are the light in this dark world, there’s always a shade of grey.
You may ask, Why? What makes this so?
There are a lot if answers to this barren question.
One major factor in this argument is the growth of Apathy.
We lost something very important throughout the course of history. Our intelligence is what sets us apart from animals. We’ve made it too the point where information is there for the taking. However, most of us remain disconnected to the world around us. Animals have more care for there species than we do of our own. Do you ever hear anyone talking about Roman-Catholic Sex abuse, or the Slavery that ended not too long ago, and what about the Holocaust. Out of all the day’s on the current calendar. We cant spare one day to look back at the sacrifices of the many. It’s sad that, outside of school, most of the population could care less about the less fortunate.
Why should I care! I don’t know those people! Why does this even matter! So what millions of people died, I wasn’t there!
I Don’t Care!
When the entire world thinks this way.
That’s when we’ve lost.
I’m not telling you this for you to brush me off.
I’m telling you this as a warning. Apathy is like a virus.
It spreads and it contaminates, and when it finally gets you.
You won’t notice until you find your self in the center of World War Three.
Leading the next “Revolution”.
This is apathy.
        The complete lack of concern.
The sooner you learn that there is no good or bad. That there is only disposition, and apathy.
The closer we are to finding long lost empathy once more.
Until then…
This is apathy.
      The virus that starts wars and kills humanity.
 It’s time to wake up.
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