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Our Home Land

Our Home Land
by Alec Lewis

When the early sun arises
It would spread its orange, red and yellow upon this land
The early birds lucky enough to get a glimpse of its beauty
The red mesas light up when the sun touches their face

The birds singing as if they were professionals in the pine trees
The smell of the trees, grass, and animals
all too overwhelming

The dirt roads going everywhere
You get to know where every road is
You get to know your landscape
You learn to love nature

I love the reservation
I don’t know any other place that I would like to be
I am not ashamed about where I come from
I am proud to be Native American

This poem makes me...
  • Think (10%)
  • Smile (24%)
  • Somber (5%)
  • Surprised (5%)
  • Feel a Connection (33%)
  • Inspired (24%)
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