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Our Only Witness

By Devin Foster

Two shots rang at 3am
One body fell to the gravel
Near the bed of roses

Blood poured out of the body
Similar to the color of the roses
The body was taken away,
the suspect questioned
Besides the suspect
The only other witness alive
were the roses

a man cut picked them out
He thought they didn’t belong
These roses were now dead
And eventually, would be thrown away
6 feet under

They had no voice, to object his claim
Therefore, the case went his way
But still, there were those roses

One shade lighter, two shades darker
The color was a deciding factor
I’m sure that if the roses had to ability to speak
or even to whisper
would’ve been served.


This poem makes me...
  • Think (72%)
  • Smile (8%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (20%)
  • Inspired (0%)
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