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Our Perfect World

Our Perfect World

By Traveon Richardson


We go out into this world

thinking everything is going to be okay

everyone can have a job

a house

a car

but that’s not true.


Like our government that’s supposed to help us

in any time of need

But then again,

that’s our perfect world


Like the police that didn’t stop

to ask the boy

what he was doing

but instead, used force


Like our gangs fighting over a color

when they could be doing something with their life

But then again,

thats our perfect world


Like other kids bullying the kid with bad shoes

house problems that he tries not to bring to school

But then again,

that’s our perfect world


Like people who put down others

based on who they like

just because they have an idea

of who you “should like”

But then again,

that’s our perfect world


Like in other countries where they need help

but some of us are wanting to help ourselves in other’s time of need

But then again,

that’s our perfect world


In this world we have love

and hate

but overall we have more hate for each other

just because of our race

our clothes

our lifestyle


Our Perfect World.


This poem makes me...
  • Think (4%)
  • Smile (6%)
  • Somber (72%)
  • Surprised (2%)
  • Feel a Connection (11%)
  • Inspired (5%)
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