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Our Place

Our Place
by M.C.
Cherry Hill, NJ

He took my hand and led me into the cold air. He told me that he had found a new place in my neighborhood. We walked in the cold, but his eyes warmed me. We were almost there only thing we had to do was cross the scary road. He grabbed my hand tighter and said “ don’t let go” . The fear left me.

We arrived and I realized that it was a petite playground. Him and I delightfully walked to the green swings. We sat down and he gave me his coat. He called me pretty and gazed into my eyes. I looked at him and saw how his face glowed and his eyes raised like the sunset.

After that, he jumped up, grabbed my hand, and we started running. I asked him where are we going, and he said “just follow me and don’t worry”.

While we were running he let go of my hand and crossed the road without me. I yelled “stop” but he didn’t hear. A black car came crashing into his ribs. I ran in the road and grabbed him. I pulled him into my arms and I cried. I kissed his forehead and healed him close. He told me to let him go cause he knew he was gonna die, but I didn’t think of it at the time.He stopped responding to my questions I put my hand over his mouth, but no air came out. That was the last day that he said ” I love you.”

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  • Somber (31%)
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  • Feel a Connection (15%)
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