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Painting Words In Color

Painting Words In Color

Poet Warrior – Daniel Benton

Daffodil Yellow is like the sunshine shining on the mountains

Neon Light is like lemonade that you drink when you’re thirsty

Lemon Tart is like a yellow toy train

Marigold is like a yellow plastic cup

Poet Warrior – Abigail Teshome

Peach is like the color of the sunset

Peach is like the color of bee wax

Gold is like the color of a golden award

Gold is the color of the beautiful goldfish

Poet Warrior – Wendy Fernandez Abrego

Blue is like the color of the Ocean.

Blue is the like the color of the sky.

Blue is like the color of the rain.

Blue is like the cold ice.

Poet Warrior – Sade Johnson

Pink is as bright as a pig!

Pink is as pretty as a dress!

Pink is like the dark paint in the warm blossom flower!

Red is as pretty as the rose and a rainbow!

Poet Warrior – Kaydence Johnson

Yello1 is like a sunny day

Yellow reminds me of the citrus taste of a lemon

The yellow flame is like the warmth of a fire

The color of center stage reminds me of hugs with my yellow lab

Poet Warrior – Kai Herkenhoff

Red as the church and the apartment

Red as my Mommy mad

Red as my runny nose

Red as the lava fresh from the volcano

Poet Warrior – Jared Orta

Citrus is like a sun setting.

The Indian dance is all the way up top of a hill.

Mesa Sunrise is like a juicy orange.

Fireglow is like the hot sun.

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Poet Warrior – Saryhia Owens

 Old fashioned pink is like a juicy strawberry.

Candy coated pink is like a sunset in the ocean.

Warermelon pink is as bright as a pink flower.

Tropical smoothie is as hot as lava.

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