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Pastel Feelings


Pastel Feelings

by Daejha Rivera


I Walked out onto my front porch, gleaming into the distance.

The pastel colored skies reminded me of a hazy,warm flashback.

Dampened leaves that have fallen from the trade winds.

My mind, suddenly wanders off into a place unknown, I don’t know what I feel,

except alone.

Everything is quiet and calm it reminds me of a soothing, slight song.

Almost like the breeze that caressed my skin.

The gloomy clouds that came together on the side of town,
sun rays radiating through their darkness.

My eyes flow to something that my mind isn’t familiar with, relates to how my feelings are for you now,,,,,, anonymous.

I went inside, to get away

from the sunshine,

I wanted to write down

exactly what I was feeling.

But the paper, seemed to just stay   b l a n k.

And I couldn’t have explained myself any better.


I looked out the window,

took a deep breath-

the scenery, the exotic scents, the invisible feelings of lust in the air, helped me

rejuvenate my soul,

there is nothing else I could ever love more than the place

I call home.



This poem makes me...
  • Think (4%)
  • Smile (21%)
  • Somber (46%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (25%)
  • Inspired (4%)
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