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Poetry Is…

Poetry Is…

by Meghan Kilpatrick

Poetry is the light blue paint in Starry Night mixing with the lightly brushed-on yellow stars

Poetry is the softly played piano fading into the background of your favorite song

Poetry is the simply complex riddle you just can’t figure out

Poetry is the way your brain struggles to solve that riddle

Poems are shorter, more powerful stories

Poems are not comprehensible for simple minds

Poems are sometimes underestimated

Poems are whatever you want them to be


is a peek into someone else’s life

Every time you read a poem,

you meet

someone new

Your life

is a never ending poem

There are no boundaries to what you could do in a poem-

You can change the world with a single line of poetry

Poetry is

whatever you want it to be

Your life is a never ending poem

The question is:

What are you going to do with


This poem makes me...
  • Think (11%)
  • Smile (44%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (17%)
  • Inspired (28%)
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