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Poetry is….

Poetry is…

by Sierra Shaw


Poetry is a paper plane

you never know where it’s gonna go

but you know it’s going somewhere.

Poetry is a warm jacket on a frosty December day,

you never wanna leave it behind

and it makes you feel warm inside.

Poetry is a fresh slice of watermelon on a hot summer day

its there for the moment you just want to relax.

Poetry is a crime scene in a movie,

It builds suspense and leaves you


Poetry is the shaved ice truck just down the street,

You enjoy the things it has to offer

and it will never be better than it already is.

Poetry is a mailbox at the end of the driveway,

Its there to receive and give,

its to speak for people

and  to let the writer connect with other people.

Poetry is a way to speak

a way to have your own voice

a way to be…


Poetry is a nagging niece at your shoulder

begging you to go somewhere

They never leave

until they get their way

Poetry is a way of life

in the end it dies but you will always remember it.

This is poetry.

This is me.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (15%)
  • Smile (31%)
  • Somber (12%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (15%)
  • Inspired (27%)
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