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Poetry Is…

Malik Nwankwo. Poet Warrior. 

Poetry Is…


Is to me is a sentence that rhyme but not all the time.

Poetry is nice but not as well as ice.

Poetry is the ability to use my voice.

Poetry is my life but i have to fight.

Poetry is beautiful and nice at night.

Poetry is freedom but don’t lose them.

Poetry let you spread your wings but not when you are hiking.

Poetry burns but not when you turn.

Poetry is cool but please don’t be a fool.

Poetry is hot but not like a robot.

Poetry melt but do not have a belt.

Poetry is a river but you won’t shiver.

Poetry is a star but not a candy bar.

Poetry is not pain but you can make it as a game.

Poetry shine but you will be fine.

Poetry is in your heart but try not to fart.

Poetry is not a price but it is nice.

Poetry is loud and please do it for the crowd.

Poetry is the king but where is the queen?

Poetry is power but not powder.

Poetry is magic but try to catch it.

Poetry is words if you did not heard.

Poetry is good and really,you should.

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