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Pololu Valley

Sydney Cochran

Ocean blue waves crashing on the long ago rounded rocks

Then my gaze shifts upwards

Further up into the powdery black beach, dashed with trails of footprints

Each one engraving a memory to be washed away, but not forgotten

On this beautiful, but not tropical beach

As you walk off the beach, to the forest of pine trees

You see families

Happy families

Enjoying their vacation.Together.

But that’s not what I’m looking for

I’m finding that red

6-inch thick

Frayed rope

And I’m gonna swing on it

I climb up the hill, over the tree roots

Rope in one hand

Steadying myself with the other

I reach the top and look

Look at the trees

The marshy lake

I stare at the cliffs

Soothing but putting me on edge

Finally I look down

Down at the HUGE distance

From the ground and me

Then I am flying

I let go of all the worries and swing

At full speed towards the trunk of a tree

Only to stop inches before my face

‘Till I swing back to where I started

I look down at my family

Smiling and happy

Watching me fly

Only to be attached by a rope

Stumbling to get my footing as I stand on the hill

I walk on the ground

Legs shaking

I look up, and I’m happy

Happy to be in Pololu

This poem makes me...
  • Think (1%)
  • Smile (58%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (40%)
  • Inspired (0%)
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