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Respect Me

Respect me,

Easy as can be,

No problems so far,

Or as much as I can see,

Thought you were cool,

Haha wannabe,

You’re just a little fool,

A fool that was haunting me,

Haunting me in my dreams,

Ahem, thought you had it,

No, might wanna think twice,

Or even get some advice,

Not even a little bit,

Why you sweating me,

Just go ahead and flee,

Yes, be my guest,

You think you are a brain,

Well, I think you’re a broken cane,

You’re just a little chump,

Ah!!! You jumped!!!

Poet: Troy Shelby Ernest Jr.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (36%)
  • Smile (14%)
  • Somber (14%)
  • Surprised (14%)
  • Feel a Connection (7%)
  • Inspired (14%)
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