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Respect Your Elders

Tyrell Smith.Poet Warrior.



Respect Your Elders

Respect Your Elders

For they have what you not

Knowledge of our beautiful past

which many have forgot

Our elders are the key

to a successful life

they show us right from wrong

and they’re most likely always right

Respect Your Elders

They’re key fragments of the past

and without them

our rich and lovely history

for sure wouldn’t last

Respect Your Elders

Or that crazy old lady

who’s always nourished and cared for you

even since you were a baby

Respect Your Elders

And care for them everyday

for a moment may come

where they shall sleep and float away

Respect Your Elders

When that day comes

you’ll wish it never did

and tell them you love them every day

so you can’t regret what you did

Respect Your Elders

For you shall be one too

and your knowledge shall

be passed on for others

to learn from you

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