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Run Away

Run Away

By Daizy Salas



Everything is perfect. You have your family, friends,
and you have no problem with anybody.

The phone rings and when he calls you know it’s not a good thing.

Running out of the house turning corners as fast and carefully as possible.

You hear it calling your name waiting for you to be there. Jumping the tall fence carefully or going under the open hole in the fence.

The darkest part is my favorite part.

No one sees you, no one hears you,
no one has an idea you’re there.

The music calms you down.
J Cole tells you if “you fool me once shame on you. If you fool me I can’t get fooled again.”

the wind that blow is cold down under.
It cools you on the hot summer nights.

The highway is close and all you hear is the sound of the late travelers
You hear the echo of their motors.

You smell concrete and rocks with fresh water.

When there is water running through,
you can hear how softly the water falls on the rocks and concrete.

It sounds as if someone was tiptoeing down and find you,
when you are calm you feel better.

You’re ready to go back to the real world.

It’s sad you have to leave such a nice spot.

But the thrill that there will be new graffiti next time you visit gives you the strength to leave and come back.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (9%)
  • Smile (45%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (18%)
  • Feel a Connection (0%)
  • Inspired (27%)
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