A house. A green house upon a hill, hidden from downtown by tall bamboo Sprouts.…
Save the World!
Save the World!
By Andrea Martinez
The sky is pitched black,
Black clouds cover the earth
like a blanket,
Except the sky is full of darkness,
Factories work but a black
smoke comes into the sun with
a deadly poison that makes the sky black,
It covers the bright
light of the sun,
People dumping trash
in land like if the mother earth
was a trash can,
Birds falling down
from the sky similar
to the cold rain,
People who cared of
mother earth have a tear dropping
from their eyes like rain drops,
People with a loud and high pitched
voice start screaming throughout the world,
People start with a dizzy face
with a question mark in their head,
throughout their
minds inside of their heads it looks
like a swirling tornado inside of their brain,
The mother earth before looked
like a giant blue ball with green spots that light
up the planet,
Pollution started and made the mother earth look
like a dark and dirty ball,
All the people scream so loud that breaks all the windows,
But then a silence came
through all the people in the world that it looked like
if they were in jail with nothing left,
One person’s lightbulb sparks like the sun,
All the people have a smiley face
that shines like a nickel.