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Second Father

Second Father

By: Jerrickson Largo

My coach always taught

Me how to succeed in school

And basketball and always to be

A gentlemen and to respect others.

My coach is taller than me

Has a deep voice

Very strict!

I’m very tall and funny

If my coach didn’t help me

I would get in trouble a lot

and wouldn’t be a gentlemen

and a great basketball player!

This basketball season

When we faced Rehoboth

I got fouled for blocking

I got real mad

and yelled at the referee

and I got a technical foul

My coach said calm down

and forget about the foul.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (2%)
  • Smile (90%)
  • Somber (1%)
  • Surprised (1%)
  • Feel a Connection (3%)
  • Inspired (4%)
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