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by Alycia King

Runs slow as a turtle
laughing all the time

Never stops smiling

Every 10 seconds she talks

All she could say was hello

But she was as sweet as cherry pie

Talks fast that you can’t understand a word she is saying

Likes to play Hide-n-seek

When she runs by me she smell like blossoms

Silk on her clothes so soft and gentle


Dripping hair flowing down her shirt

She and I are the same

That you can just hug her

Her skin is so dry it is like the drought

Once she sees Strawberries she eats it all

But she tells me and her family that she loves us

Sometimes she gets in trouble

she is never going to be forgotten

This poem makes me...
  • Think (13%)
  • Smile (38%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (13%)
  • Inspired (38%)
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