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by Eryanna Taylor

She used to move like the soft waves in the ocean,
Full of love and serenity.

When she danced
She brought joy to those who watched.

As she grows older, her life starts to take its turn.

Sooner or later she was cursed with the first child
That crushed her hopes and dreams, and her freedom.

Stuck with someone who didn’t look or smell like roses,
He was a very distasteful person.

He was so afraid of losing her that he’d always try to keep her locked away, he hated his own family so he clung to the one that he had made, and had only made it even harder for him to keep control of what he called his own.

Years and years go by and she was still with that distasteful


In that passing year she had another child, which had made it even harder for her to follow her dream of becoming a professional dancer.

She was stuck in this horrible place

She used to call home, she said to herself day and night as her life goes on.

She still thinks of how she shouldn’t have gotten with that man in the first place, because if she didn’t she would be in such a fix.

Her life was filled with many battle scars,
Fighting with that man

Who’s been walking all over her,a garden that has been trampled by his feet.

5 MORE years pass her by,
Yet once again she was pregnant with her 3rd child.


Has stopped

She thinks.

But still to this day she is standing strong, with her 3 beautiful children standing by her side.

This poem makes me...
  • Think (21%)
  • Smile (36%)
  • Somber (29%)
  • Surprised (7%)
  • Feel a Connection (0%)
  • Inspired (7%)
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