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She Won’t Back Down

She Won’t Back Down

By Alberlina Endito


Mom taught me this

Stupity finds a way

To get in front

No matter how hard

You focus

You get distracted by it.


My mom, so tall

She’s the U.S.A flag

In my world

She stands through

Hard hits

Of bills, no money, and stress

Still standing up

Tall like a Pine tree

Nothing brings her down


I’m tall just like her

Standing from hard hits of trouble

But I’m not her

Hearing trouble

Whisper in my ear

Falling and falling from trouble

I want to be her


She’s too strong

She’s the thunderstorm

But I need to know

From right to wrong

Stupity stop!

How do I get it out?

Sleep tight?

Wait until it is all out

And gone?

I will never know


I’ll never give up


Not today

You should never give up

Because giving up

Hurts more than

Going through



I’ll get over it

I’ll get strong

One day

Nothing will let me


This poem makes me...
  • Think (1%)
  • Smile (9%)
  • Somber (15%)
  • Surprised (6%)
  • Feel a Connection (6%)
  • Inspired (62%)
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