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She’s The Galaxy To Me

These words can not explain
How much my mom means to me
But I’m going to tell you anyway
She’s like so amazingly amazing
When she smiles
Her smile lights the whole room up
I seriously don’t know what I would
with out her
She’s so amazingly beautiful
She makes me feel better when I’m down
She makes my day all the time
She makes me laugh
Honestly I have no idea what would happen
if she ever left my side
And I know she wont
I enjoy every second with her
She’s my mother but she’s also
My partner in crime She’s everything
to me

This poem makes me...
  • Think (17%)
  • Smile (58%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (0%)
  • Feel a Connection (17%)
  • Inspired (8%)
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