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Showing off Coolness..

Showing Off Coolness

By: Erick Cook

People can say what they say

Because they can just make fun of other people.

But they are scared

Of other people who pick on them.

The bullies are so mean they can be expelled.

They try to act all bad

But what they’re  showing off is coolness.

They can do what they do

But they can’t tell the principal or another grown up.

People can be cool and be non-cool

but it is just the way they are.

But they just like to be picked on

And when something bad happens

To the children who are being bullied

  They feel sorry for people who get injured.

Other kids can be scared  of other kids

But  let  you down

Because you might make a change.

We all know how you feel it is like a falling leaf on the ground

So stop bullying!

This poem makes me...
  • Think (33%)
  • Smile (5%)
  • Somber (0%)
  • Surprised (5%)
  • Feel a Connection (38%)
  • Inspired (19%)
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