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by Tucker Eagle
Standing Rock Reservation, SD

When I go to my friends,
I have to spend the night

We always play nice,
And we don’t get into fights

We like to go sledding on the hill
we go very fast
and try not to take a spill

When we come inside
we play with toys
I like to hang out
with my boys.
Identity affirmation is extremely important for student growth, both academically and social-emotionally. Many of our youth are torn between Western and Lakota culture. Couple that with the rates of suicide, alcoholism, and poverty, and it becomes clear that our students face many identity challenges. By taking our youth to Jon Eagle’s equine program, students would have access to their stories and culture in a tangible way that is not always available to them regularly. The healing and affirmation of this program will not only exemplify culturally responsive teaching, but will help our students find the strength and resiliency to persevere and excel academically, potentially lowering drop-out rates, improve student awareness and behavior in the classroom, as well as fortify our students against the alarming trend of youth suicide.

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