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snake tattoo

Snake Tattoo

By: Jose Ortiz

Snake tattoo on brown skin, it’s a dark tattoo.

A lot of hours work on sunny days.

That’s my grandpa’s skin and his snake tattoo on his left arm,

He always made fun of me.

Because when I would try to touch his tattoo he would always tell me

not to touch it because its going to bite me,

I was like 3 years old and of course I was scared of it.

I don’t want to get hurt from the snake I said.

Every time I try to touch it he always tell me the same thing.

I grew up with the same thing that the snake is going to bite me.

One day when he was sleeping I touched it and the snake didn’t bite me.

The next day I touched it he told me that the snake would bite me if i touched it.

 I told him that he is lying, because when he was sleeping

the snake didn’t bite me.

He bursted out laughing.

He died two years ago, but the snake.

The snake lived on.

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