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So Called Father Figure



So Called Father Figure

By: Journi

Yelling and arguing

From the room below

My clothes being thrown

From the front door onto the lawn

Taking my prize possession

Multiple times in 6 months

Taking every penny my mother go

Wasting it pointlessly

Cheating when you’re married

Have a beautiful family

You knew what you had but never thought you’ll lose it

Ran away from your problems to cause more

My mothers bleeding on the inside

Crying on the out

We realize the things you took away

You ask why I am the way I am today

Well, my so called father figure

Was never there anyway

There’s this mystery

That’s inside of me

But my so-called father figure will never know

Most people say I will forgive

Well maybe I will but,

I’ll never forget

That my so-called father figure has things to Regret

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